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How To Spot & Avoid Mortgage Loan Scams

Buying a home should be an exciting milestone, but the mortgage process can be confusing and stressful. Loan offers are often tricky to understand, and hidden fees are always a concern. Some salespeople use high-pressure tactics, which only intensify the stress of the situation. These difficulties can create opportunities for scammers to take advantage of...
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Why Was My Card Declined? 10 Reasons

A declined credit or debit card can be not only frustrating but embarrassing. As you fumble through your purse or wallet, you may feel like all eyes are on you as you quickly try to resolve the issue. Card declines are a common experience that can happen to anyone. Fortunately, there are several things you...
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How to Get Help (Quickly) If You’ve Been Scammed

There has been a significant rise in the number of scams targeting people over the past few years. Increased digital connectivity and technological advancements have made it easier for scammers to reach a larger audience than ever before. It’s important to take quick action after you’ve been scammed. Doing so can potentially reduce the damage...
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Should You Use a Home Equity Loan for Debt Consolidation?

Many people use home equity loans to consolidate debt and achieve other goals. If you’re thinking about using a home equity loan to consolidate debt, there are some important things to consider. The following overview can help you decide whether this strategy makes sense for your financial situation. Benefits of Using a Home Equity Loan...
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