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Financial Fraud & Identity Theft

Financial Fraud | Freedom Credit Union

Don't let fraud steal your peace of mind. Freedom CU empowers you to stay protected.<br/>Fight back against financial fraud with Freedom Credit Union! We offer a suite of tools and resources to keep your hard-earned money safe. Learn how to identify scams, protect your identity, and get real-time alerts on suspicious activity. Get started today and bank with confidence!

Financial Fraud & Identity Theft

Don’t let fraud steal your peace of mind. Freedom CU empowers you to stay protected.

Fight back against financial fraud with Freedom Credit Union! We offer a suite of tools and resources to keep your hard-earned money safe. Learn how to identify scams, protect your identity, and get real-time alerts on suspicious activity.

Get started today and bank with confidence!

Become a Member

This page will teach you 4 things to stay safe from financial fraud:

  • How to identify phishing scams: Learn the tricks scammers use and how to avoid falling victim to emails, texts, or calls designed to steal your information.
  • How to protect yourself from identity theft: Understand the risks and steps you can take to prevent someone else from using your personal information for financial gain.
  • How to spot caller ID spoofing: Discover how scammers can disguise their phone numbers and how to avoid giving out personal details over the phone.
  • How to use Freedom CU’s fraud prevention tools: Learn about real-time alerts, transaction verification, and how to easily set up fraud alerts on your account.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are a sneaky tactic fraudsters use to steal your personal information online. They often disguise themselves as legitimate emails, texts, or even websites from trusted sources like your bank or credit card company. Once they trick you into clicking a malicious link or entering your details, they can steal your usernames, passwords, account numbers, and more.

This can lead to a domino effect of financial woes, including:

  • Identity Theft: Criminals can use your stolen information to open new accounts, rack up debt, and ruin your credit score.
  • Credit Card Fraud: Fraudsters can use your stolen card details to make unauthorized purchases.

Don’t let these scams steal your peace of mind! Here at Freedom CU, we empower you to fight back. Learn the ABCs of Phishing Defense:

  • Always Double-Check: Don’t trust sender information at face value. Verify email addresses and website URLs carefully. Legitimate institutions will never ask for sensitive information via email or text.
  • Be Wary of Threats: Phishing scams often use scare tactics like urgent deadlines, legal action, or account suspension threats. A real bank will communicate securely and professionally.
  • Contact Directly: If you’re unsure about an email or message, contact the institution directly through a verified phone number or website login. Don’t use any links provided in suspicious messages.

Freedom CU stands with you in the fight against financial fraud, offering additional resources and tools to keep your money safe. and peace of mind you deserve. Opening an account is quick and easy!

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Login info is seen on a computer screen.

Person covers pin pad with hand as they enter their pin number at an ATM.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a serious crime where someone steals your personal details like name, Social Security number, or credit card information. They can then use this information to:

  • Drain your bank accounts: Criminals can access your existing accounts and steal your hard-earned money.
  • Open new lines of credit: They can rack up debt in your name, ruining your credit score.
  • Cause a major headache: Sorting out identity theft can be a lengthy and stressful process.

How Identity Theft Happens:

Phishing scams are a common way thieves steal personal information. But there are other methods as well, such as:

  • Data breaches: Criminals may hack into companies or organizations to steal customer data.
  • Lost or stolen wallets/bags: Be mindful of your belongings and what information they contain.
  • Shoulder surfing: Thieves may watch you enter personal information at ATMs or kiosks.

Protect Yourself:

  • Stay alert: Be wary of unsolicited emails, calls, or texts asking for personal information.
  • Shred sensitive documents: Don’t throw away documents with your Social Security number or account numbers.
  • Use strong passwords: Create complex, unique passwords for all your accounts and enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when possible.
  • Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your credit report for any suspicious activity.

Report Identity Theft:

If you suspect you’ve been a victim of identity theft, take action immediately:

  • Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Report the crime online at or by calling 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338).
  • Contact your financial institutions: Alert your bank, credit card companies, and any other institutions potentially affected.
  • Place a fraud alert on your credit report: This will make it harder for thieves to open new accounts in your name.

Freedom CU is here to help! We offer resources and tools to empower you to protect your identity and finances. Explore this page further to learn more about staying safe from financial fraud.

Caller ID Spoofing

According to the Federal Communications Commission, Caller ID spoofing lets scammers disguise their phone number to appear local or trustworthy. They use this trick to build rapport and steal your personal information.

Here’s how to fight back:

  • Hang up on unknown callers: Don’t answer calls from unfamiliar numbers.
  • Don’t engage: If you do answer, don’t confirm any personal details or answer yes/no questions that could be used to verify your identity.
  • Just hang up! The safest option is to end the call immediately.

Woman receiving suspicious phone call from unknown number. To avoid the possibility of a scam or phishing attempt, she hits the call cancel button.

Person entering card info on computure. Freedom CU helps you stay safe while shopping with fraud alerts, transaction verification, and other tools to safeguard your account.

Credit Card Theft

Credit card fraudsters often rely on stolen information from phishing scams. Once they have your details, they can wreak havoc, opening new credit lines in your name or even wiring money directly from your accounts.

Don’t be a victim! Freedom CU empowers you to fight back with our robust fraud prevention tools:

  • Real-time Transaction Verification: Get instant notifications and approvals for every purchase, minimizing the window of opportunity for fraudsters.
  • Automated Fraud Text Alerts: Receive immediate SMS notifications of suspicious activity on your account, allowing you to take swift action.
  • 24/7 Fraud Alerts: Stay informed with customizable alerts for all credit and debit card transactions.
  • Reduced Fraud Exposure: Our security measures minimize your potential losses in case of fraudulent activity.

Peace of mind with every swipe. Security that goes beyond credit cards. Freedom CU offers comprehensive online and mobile banking security features to safeguard your finances in today’s digital world.

Ready to experience the Freedom CU difference? Join our member community today and enjoy the security and peace of mind you deserve. Open an account online in just minutes!

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Signing Up To Get Fraud Alerts is Quick, Free, and Easy.

Keep safe and stay protected on the go with financial fraud alerts from Freedom.


Log Into Online Banking

Update your mobile phone number and email by logging into Freedom’s online and mobile banking. Select “edit profile” from the “settings” menu.


Update Your Info

Change, add, or update your contact information using the provided forms.


Opt In to Receive Fraud Alerts

Opt in or out of the program by using the convenient online tools. If at any time you wish to unenroll, please text “STOP” to fraud alerts phone number.

Automatic alerts and text message notifications are free for all members and provide a critical level of security for your credit and debit cards.

Get Started

Are you concerned that there might be a suspicious transaction on your bank account? Immediately call us at 215-612-5900. It is important to remember that legitimate representatives will not ask for any bank account, social security, or personal numbers through text or email.

Financial Fraud News & Resources

Unemployment Fraud: How it’s Detected and Reported

Unemployment Fraud: How it’s Detected and Reported

Unemployment benefits scam alert! Millions targeted, here’s how to protect yourself and what to do if you’ve been a victim. Learn how to detect fraud, report it, and get your finances back on track.

Learn More

Unemployment Fraud: How it’s Detected and Reported

Why Was My Credit Card Declined? 10 Reasons

Swiped your card only to see “DECLINED”? Don’t panic! This article reveals the top 10 reasons cards get rejected, from forgotten travel notices to maxed-out limits. Learn how to prevent these frustrating situations and what to do if your card is declined.

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How to Protect the Elderly From Fraud & Financial Exploitation

How to Protect the Elderly From Fraud & Financial Exploitation

Protect your elderly loved ones from financial scams! Learn how to spot the tricks, empower them to resist, and create a support system to keep them safe.

Learn More

Financial Fraud & Identity Theft Disclosures

*Please note that some data carrier rates may apply.
